Tel: (888) 233-5855

How It Works

How It Works


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Step 1: Set Up Your LTL Freight Quote Account

Simply click here and fill in your information. All we need is your name, company and email address. You will decide on your username and password. Once it is sent to us, we will immediately send you an email confirming that your initial account set up is complete and you are free to gain access to the best partial LTL freight quotes in the industry.

Step 2: Check Out The LTL Trucking Rates

All you need are two zip codes and a pallet count. The system will immediately kick you back an LTL freight quote that includes FSC and is valid for at least 7 days. A quote number is assigned to every LTL trucking quote and you can print it out or email it to anyone you want.

Step 3: Place Your LTL Trucking Order

You can enter it into our TMS, email, fax, or call it in – whatever your preference. On your initial shipment, we will need to contact you to set you up with credit and get the details on your LTL trucking shipment so we can better accommodate your needs for tracking, tracing, billing and paperwork retrieval. However, none of this will delay your shipments. You will immediately receive the best service in the industry at our Palletrater price.

Palletrater Pallet Sizing

LTL trucking rates are based on standard sized pallets (48 x 48) that must weigh less than 2,000 lbs. Any shipment with an average weight of over 2,000 lbs. per pallet may be subject to an additional charge. If your freight is constantly more than 2,000 lbs. Give us a call at 888-233-5855, or email us to find out how we can assist you.

How It Works June 25, 2017


c/o Mode Transportation Services
100 Stewart Lane, Chalfont, PA 18914
Tel: (888) 233-5855
Fax: (215) 485-5974

Visit Mode Transportation